Have you noticed how carelessly the word "love" is used?? EG: I just love your sweater ! (Even though it is scratchy?) I just love Brad Pitt ! (Well, let's see. Have you ever met him?) I love Ya ! (What exactly is a Ya? ) LOVE is a personal bond. If you overuse the word, it will have little value when you need it the most. In the month of February, love is rampant with Valentine's Day. This is synonymous with red and pink hearts, candy, flowers, and multitudes of gifts. The red rose holds the number one spot! Of course it does, as it was the favorite flower of the roman goddess of love, Venus. It endures on this day ! First and foremost we always recommend following your doctor's orders, re treats for your own personal health. But if it is a go, then lucky YOU ! On this day we are encouraged to raise a glass of wine. Make it red as red wine is full of important antioxidants to protect the lining of blood vessels in your heart and ALWAYS drink in moderation. Treat yourelf to some dark chocolate as it tends to lower blood pressure. On Valentine's day........* We wear red to symbolize our beating heart full of love. * The card shops are overflowing with beautiful cards sending verses of love to the ones you hold dear. * Florists are working overtime delivering bouquets full of fragrant beauty. * Millions of heart shaped boxes filled with delicious chocolate candy are sold. *There are even cards for your pets and special treats for them. Most important.......LOVE YOURSELF. A great feeling. It is your most important relationship ! Happy Valentine's Day to all my readers . CAROL-ROSE MARSHALL Painting: Hearts by Peter Max
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AKA: COMARADERIE, COMPANIONSHIP, TOGETHERNESS, SOCIABILITY, AND LOVEOLD FRIENDS VS. NEW FRIENDS It is a wonderful thing to have faithful old friends, those that match the devotion of this puppy. How many can say that they have a friend that they walked into kindergarten with? How many can say that the 10-year-old across the street is still on the phone with you? How many can say that the 14-year-old in high school has gone through marriages and children with you? How many can say that the friend at your important jobs is still there in retirement? I am one of the lucky few. These friends have gone through fire and water with you. They are like a boomerang because even if you argue, they come back. Secrets galore and what went down on Yourstreet, USA always stays on Yourstreet, USA. They have weathered childhood, teenage years, marriages, children, work environments, sad losses of parents, divorces, careers, relocation, and retirement and still hold your hand. They understood your moods happy or not, decisions bad or good, and with no judgment stayed by your side. They know you well and are your extended siblings. THEY ARE YOUR OLD FRIENDS... Whether you like it or not, they tell you the truth, and not always what you want to hear. But, always with your best interests at heart. Like Oscar Wilde said: "A good friend will always stab you in the front." They are to be cherished, because this brand of friendship is far and few between. NEW FRIENDS They are there for lots of good times, card games, holidays without relatives, rounds of dinners, opening up new ways of life and more interests, to bring to the table. Some of them have made the grade and will graduate to the old friend category as they are steadfast and caring. And some just fade away as there wasn't much substance to begin with, just someone to pass the time with. Cut them some slack, as they don't know your history. We start off on the surface and it could progress stages of to safe and valuable. They have potential. It takes time to qualify, as there are friends for all your life. New friends are strangers, and need time to ferment like good wine. Give it a chance, put the time in! But, do release any toxicity. I have been fortunate and some new friends have entered my old friend category. They were just what the doctor ordered at new times in my life. We go by the Girl Scout Slogan, "Make new friends but keep the old. One is Silver, the other gold." Good friendships are to be valued, old or new. Here's some advice: IT IS EXCEPTIONALLY CHALLENGING TO MAINTAIN
FRIENDS OVER A LIFETIME. Keep the friends who are kind, affectionate, devoted, clever, and always there. SOOOOO.....IN OTHER WORDS, …DON'T LOSE ME!! An intense, enjoyable, but difficult emotion!
"All thoughts to the wind!" Enjoy, but please be careful, as... ...ONLY the moment counts! Are you a secret astronomer? You are in the right place. You haven't seen stars or our beautiful sky until you have gazed at it from the top deck of a cruise ship. Do you want romance? It is the ultimate destination! You can do nothing, or you can do everything. It is all your choice. We love our cruises. You can shut out the rest of the world as you watch the ocean waves from your balcony, or you can let the world in as you leave your cabin to enjoy a myriad of festivities. This site highly recommends it. It is great value for your money. Try it, you'll like it! THE FEELING OF ENTERTAINMENT Smiles come when we are amused. We witness moments of enjoyment and relaxation. What is the ultimate of long-term entertainment? THE CRUISE SHIP DID YOU KNOW??
Did you know that the company P&O introduced cruising in 1844 to Gibraltar, Malta, and Athens, is the world's oldest cruise line? DID YOU KNOW? When the first jet aircraft was invented, the ocean liners suffered a huge setback in funds. It was necessary to find an avenue of entertainment aboard ships that would entice customers to vacation with them. FUN AND RELAXATION is literally guaranteed. The only thing you have to do yourself on a cruise is get up and dress yourself. Your bed and housekeeping are done for you. Your breakfast, lunch, and dinner are prepared for you. No cleanup! You do not have to drive to any destination or activity. It is right there on your beautiful cruise ship. Is it people you wish to talk to? There are unlimited people from all walks of life. Is it gourmet food you wish to have? An assortment of restaurants on board and an array of anything and everything your heart and stomach wish to taste. Is it activities you long for? All types of activities, gyms, walking, exercise and yoga classes. There for the asking! Is it various points of call you wish to see? Just pick your cruise and you will go from country to country every day. Your choice! Is it gambling and casinos you wish to experience? Beautiful onboard Casinos for your pleasure and hopefully for your winning pleasure! It’s our beautiful Villa on Lake Como in Italy. On the right is the home of our neighbors, Amal and George Clooney. Last night we attended their cocktail party, with Brad Pitt and Matt Damon. They all read the script of my book and agreed to do the movie.
We have just had breakfast looking at the beautiful lake and will take our personal sailboat out on the lake. The weather is balmy and there is calm in the air. We are enjoying all that life has to give on this beautiful day. Are we dreaming? Is it real? Of course! It is in my mind’s eye! A beautiful place and a beautiful oil painting, allowing us to fantasize…LOL It’s amazing! When do you become you? A STORY OF CONCEPTIONTwo weeks into your Mother’s monthly cycle, one of the eggs (that will become you) starts to grow. It is automatic. It is a fluid-filled sac called a follicle. Your Mother’s body will not desert you, as it will release a hormone that thickens the lining of her uterus and is now ready to protect the egg. Thank you, Mother! Next, nature steps in, and you, (the egg) travel to the fallopian tube and reside there for approximately 24 hours. Here’s where the excitement starts…You are waiting for one single sperm to fertilize you. Just ONE, mind you! It’s AMAZING! There are millions of sperm. The winner, a sperm (THE sperm) penetrates the egg. A big change occurs, and NOW, no other sperm can enter the egg. You have been fertilized and at that very instant, your genes and sex are set. If the sperm has a Y chromosome, you will be a boy. If it has an X chromosome, you will be a girl. Life has begun. Amazing! You, the egg, will comfortably stay in your mother’s fallopian tube for about 3-4 days. (Thank goodness for the well-earned rest) However, within 24 hours after being fertilized a division of cells starts. Slowly it begins the journey to the uterus for implantation or attachment and you are where you are supposed to be! By the 10th-12th day, you are given the title: EMBRYO. You are now considered a whole human being. IT’S AMAZING!!!!! Within 3 weeks, your first nerve cells have formed. Shortly after, your brain has started to appear. At 4 weeks, forms of your face and neck develop...The lungs, heart, blood vessels, stomach, and liver are coming into being. You need nourishment and the evolving placenta will do that for you. At 8 weeks, you are actually a tiny bit more than half an inch…Everything is forming. Your eyelids, ears, tip of nose, arms, legs, fingers, toes. Are you, YOU, … yet? At the end of the 10th week, you have graduated, as you are now considered A FETUS! This title is yours until birth. At 12 weeks, Fetus, You, measures approximately 2 inches. You can move! You can hear, and you have a heartbeat! Your sex organs are now clear. The end of the first trimester. 16 weeks…You measure 4 – 4.6 inches. You weigh about 3.5 ounces. Wow, you can blink. Your heart and blood vessels are fully formed. You are unique as your fingers and toes now have fingerprints. At 20 weeks, you are halfway through your 40-week process. You have found comfort and can now suck your thumb, it feels good to yawn, and stretch. You are moving. Those people outside want to do an ultrasound. They want to know if you are a boy or a girl. (The secret is now out.) They are excited. You guess that they are what are known as parents. 24 weeks…You feel a jerking response when your Mom hiccups. Your inner ear is fully developed. A network of nerve cells provides consciousness. 28 weeks, third-trimester beginning. Good chance you will survive now! What have you been doing? You have spent 95% of the day sleeping, mostly in REM sleep. It is likely that you are dreaming. Your brain will develop and so will your memory. 32 weeks and you are almost 4 lbs. and its fun to move. Layers of fat are forming under your skin. 36 weeks. You are about 18.6 inches and about 6 lbs. Your brain has developed quickly. Your lungs are almost fully developed. Wow, your head is now positioned down your Mom’s pelvis. 40 weeks… the optimum for your birth. BirthLungs are the last organ to develop, but they are formed now.
You are starting to feel pressure as you are squeezed and heading down the birth canal. You have been cushioned in Mother’s womb and suddenly this is the beginning of your journey. You have heard your Mother’s voice and your Father’s too. There were other people who talked to you. You are so happy that no one disturbed your trip of becoming YOU…They allowed you to develop. You wanted to live and are grateful that no one stopped you…You are almost there…Your Mother is helping and pushing you out. Soon you will meet her. Your head is out and slowly your whole body is delivered. People are helping to clear the fluid from your mouth and throat and your lungs are filling with air. You take your first precious breath! You cry, telling the world that your respiratory and circulatory system has made the transition from life inside your Mom’s womb to YOUR life outside. OMG! It is shocking. They are cutting the umbilical cord. Will it hurt? No, there is no pain because the umbilical cord does not have nerves. You are brought to this wonderful human being who is your mother and being held skin-to-skin. She is beautiful and holding you with so much love. You are covered with a blanket and they put a pink hat on your head. Your Dad is looking at you with amazement and swears to protect you. YOU ARE AMAZING! YOU ARE UNIQUE! YOU ARE BORN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! “I made it! “ “Life is beautiful! VARIOUS TYPES OF HAPPINESS
1. There is Selfish Happiness: "The only thing more important than your happiness, is MINE!" 2. There is Sports Happiness: "My tennis opponent was not happy with my serve. He kept returning it!" 3. There is Animal Happiness: "My horse was so happy, because he lived in a stable environment.!" 4. There is Career Happiness: "If you cross "The Godfather" with a lawyer, you get an offer you can't understand." 5. There is Smart Happiness: "I have chosen to be happy, because it is good for my health! AND THAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE, FOLKS! " As listed in the Oxford Dictionary, Jealousy is:
"Feeling angry or unhappy because someone you like or love is showing interest in someone else." The Editor’s Example of Jealousy: Harry and his wife Ellie attended a neighborhood party together. As the evening passed, Ellie was suddenly missing. Harry asked the host if he had seen his wife, Ellie, and the host replied, "No. Should I ask the DJ to page her?” Harry said, "No, don't bother, I will simply approach that beautiful blonde woman, with the slinky black dress who is standing near the bar and start talking to her. The host said, "How will that help you find your wife?" Harry replied, "Because as soon as I talk to another woman, she always immediately shows up!" It is not common or usual.
It is remarkable, surprising and amazing. To be extraordinary is to be above average and exceptional. It is a great goal to have! We can be extraordinary in many ways during our lifetime. Just put on your thinking cap and see all the ways you as an individual can excel. There are many forms, all possibilities! Enjoy the Extraordinary! Did you know that the word "JUNE" comes from the Goddess of Marriage......JUNO? Did you know...In ancient Egyptian times, it was believed the "venus amorous," or the Vein of Love, ran from the heart to the 4th finger of the left hand.? In modern times, it was proven that all fingers have veins. This myth persisted and it was the designated finger to wear a wedding ring. Did you know...The wedding ring, having no beginning and no end, symbolizes Eternity?! Did you know...The 3 most important words for a marriage are: PLEASE, THANKS, AND SORRY! Did you know...that the wedding was soooooo emotional, that the wedding cake was in tiers! Did you know...That our groom, Mr. Right, and our bride, Mrs. Right, coincidently had the same first name? Their mutual first name was, "Always.” (uh, oh!) Weddings range from economical elopements to "sky's the limit." There is unbelievable preparation by all of the wedding party and guests. All in the name of LOVE.
In the end, the success of marriage comes down to the three (3) C's: COMMUNICATION COMMITMENT COMPROMISE REMEMBER... HAPPY SPOUSE, HAPPY HOUSE! CONGRATULATIONS AND GOOD LUCK TO ALL OUR BRIDES AND GROOMS! Carol-Rose Marshall Author, Blogger, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!Be assured, I truly believed this was just a luncheon with my children. It had been a long time since we were all together in one room. When my son and daughter-in-law, who reside in Florida, offered to host it at their country club, I was happy to come as a guest. My husband and I arrived at the Country Club, along with my youngest daughter from New York and her fiancé. My son was guiding us through the dining room. My first FEELING was one of annoyance that we had to walk so far into the dining room. (Oh well, no-one ever listens to me) There were curtains ahead of us sectioning off a room of the club, and my son kept saying that he wanted us to see the new renovations the club had made. (Oh, can’t walk so far, why do I care?) He parted the curtains and I saw a blur of people at tables in front of me. I turned to him and said, “This is a private party, let’s go.” Then I heard an exuberant crowd yelling, “SURPRISE”……HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” I thought, “OMG, THIS IS FOR ME!! OMG, I SHOULD HAVE HAD MY HAIR DONE! OMG, I would have worn something else…. And then, OMG I never had a surprise party before……. MY HEART STARTED PUMPING HARD! I am so EXCITED!!” My daughter, who resides in Florida, came rushing towards me, hugging and yelling “surprise.” My son from New York came over and exuberantly kissed me. My grandchildren flooded towards me...…. (I can’t believe it. This is thrilling…….) Then I turned to the table to my right and was totally taken aback that my childhood friends were sitting there….I hugged them and started to cry. (How did they get here?) My husband sent an uber for them. Then it hit me, my husband and I are together 24/7. How did he do this without my knowing? And my Florida son and daughter-in-law were his accomplices.” (Never thought anything would get by me, but….IT DID!) Then I turned and saw all my beautiful family and friends that filled the room. It looked like more than 40 people. STILL AMAZED, I THOUGHT, This is for me…..I can’t believe it. I am so thrilled and so grateful for all of you in my life. I GREETED EVERYONE….There was FABULOUS FUN, FABULOUS FOOD, FABULOUS PICTURES, FABULOUS CAKE, AND TABLE WTH A LARGE POSTER OF MY FIRST BOOK. WOW! EVERYONE SIGNED IT…..AND…..BEAUTIFUL GIFTS, WITH THE MOST FABULOUS HUSBAND, CHILDREN, FAMILY, AND FRIENDS ANYONE IN THIS WORLD COULD WANT.” And…..they were not through yet…..after a glorious party, an after party with barbecue
for all who could attend, at my son’s home…...This marvelous day will never end in my heart. Dear Everyone: Thank you so much….a special day, and feeling in my heart and soul. It was a remembrance that I will never forget. May you have all the love your heart can hold…. All the happiness a day can bring…. All the blessings a life can unfold. Thanks, kisses, hugs, appreciation, and joy for a Once in a Lifetime Surprise! (I have to write about this on my blog.) Carol-Rose Marshall Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Friend, Relative & Confidant Author and Blogger According to, the above feeling is: A FEELING OF BEING VERY PLEASED OR SATISFIED WITH YOURSELF AND WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. Staying happy and self-satisfied allows you the toughness to combat whatever calamity you are facing. It is happiness derived from achieved objectives. A feeling of pleasure. AKA: COMARADERIE, COMPANIONSHIP, TOGETHERNESS, SOCIABILITY, AND LOVE OLD FRIENDS VS. NEW FRIENDS It is a wonderful thing to have faithful old friends, those that match the devotion of this puppy. How many can say that they have a friend that they walked into kindergarten with? How many can say that the 10-year-old across the street is still on the phone with you? How many can say that the 14-year-old in high school has gone through marriages and children with you? How many can say that the friend at your important jobs is still there in retirement? I am one of the lucky few. These friends have gone through fire and water with you. They are like a boomerang because even if you argue, they come back. Secrets galore and what went down on Yourstreet, USA always stays on Yourstreet, USA. They have weathered childhood, teenage years, marriages, children, work environments, sad losses of parents, divorces, careers, relocation, and retirement and still hold your hand. They understood your moods happy or not, decisions bad or good, and with no judgment stayed by your side. They know you well and are your extended siblings. THEY ARE YOUR OLD FRIENDS... Whether you like it or not, they tell you the truth, and not always what you want to hear. But, always with your best interests at heart. Like Oscar Wilde said: "A good friend will always stab you in the front." They are to be cherished, because this brand of friendship is far and few between. NEW FRIENDS They are there for lots of good times, card games, holidays without relatives, rounds of dinners, opening up new ways of life and more interests, to bring to the table. Some of them have made the grade and will graduate to the old friend category as they are steadfast and caring. And some just fade away as there wasn't much substance to begin with, just someone to pass the time with. Cut them some slack, as they don't know your history. We start off on the surface and it could progress stages of to safe and valuable. They have potential. It takes time to qualify, as there are friends for all your life. New friends are strangers, and need time to ferment like good wine. Give it a chance, put the time in! But, do release any toxicity. I have been fortunate and some new friends have entered my old friend category. They were just what the doctor ordered at new times in my life. We go by the Girl Scout Slogan, "Make new friends but keep the old. One is Silver, the other gold." Good friendships are to be valued, old or new. Here's some advice: IT IS EXCEPTIONALLY CHALLENGING TO MAINTAIN FRIENDS OVER A LIFETIME. Keep the friends who are kind, affectionate, devoted, clever, and always there. SOOOOO.....IN OTHER WORDS, …DON'T LOSE ME!! The FEELING of NOSTALGIA is clearly a very complex emotion. It is usually triggered by memories, loneliness, or anxiety.
It is a sentimental longing and can be sad or happy. Happy pastimes give us positive feelings. Remembering sad times brings us to isolation. Try to be nostalgic with the memories that make you warm and fuzzy. Those that are positive keep your mind and health in A-1 condition. Remember why NOSTALGIA IS SO MUCH LIKE GRAMMAR? "We find the present tense and the past perfect!" CELEBRATE YOUR JOYFUL TABLE…How time flies! Seems like we just put away our December holiday ornaments. Fast approaching are the Spring holidays. We are anxious to get together with our favorite people, put aside the stress of the work week, and enjoy our holiday dinner. An interesting cut of meat is Brisket.
Clearly, there are many variations of this versatile cut of meat, but here is my favorite recipe: THE CAROL-ROSE SIMPLE BRISKET RECIPE
The next day, remove the fat that has accumulated on top of the meat. Slice the cold brisket against the grain and place back in pan. You may again add water if needed. Optional: Add a cup of red wine, 2 Splenda packages, and chunks of potatoes if you wish. Continue to Cook for another half hour. Place on warm until needed. VOILA! EAT, MANGIARE, ESSEN, MANGER, ESN, WHATEVER THE LANGUAGE, IT UNIVERSALLY TASTES GOOD! ![]() THE FEELING OF FEAR ENCOMPASSES FRIGHT, TERROR AND SCARED REACTIONS My most significant fear is the state of world dissension. History records times of protests, crisis, and wars from forces resistant to democracy and peace. Currently, rivalry for power is back among countries. We must be on point to navigate erupting issues. It is frightening to think of war, in light of new and existing destructive weapons. A moment of levity... Question: What do you think is the month of the year, most hated by new military enlistees? Answer: "MARCH!" I believe that Albert Einstein said it best in his following descriptive comment: "I know not what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.." "IT MAKES ME SHUDDER !!" ![]() THE FEELING OF OUTRAGE - an extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, and indignation. (Just look at that baby boy. He is outraged after listening to this article.) "CONCIERGE" Is it luxury? Or Is it medical? HEARING THE WORD "CONCIERGE" BRINGS TO MIND A CARETAKER FOR A HOTEL, OR BUILDING; AN EMPLOYEE WHO ASSISTS WITH THEATER TICKETS OR RESTAURANT RESERVATIONS, APPOINTMENTS, OR VIP CLIENTS. When I researched the term, I came upon categories such as, Personal, Hotel, Travel, Lifestyle, Corporate, Residential, etc. To me, concierge falls within the walls of a luxury type service or industry. At least, that is what I thought????? Our personal life includes outside services of firemen, bankers, computer firms, policemen, electricians, attorneys, insurance, hairdressers, car specialists, pharmacists, dental services, medical doctors, and medical facilities. All professions that we require assistance from daily. It is true, that "IT TAKES A VILLAGE" to run our personal lives in this day and age. OMG, what would happen if all of these categories and more, started requiring a membership or "concierge" fee before attaining their services? Mind you, this fee has nothing to do with the actual cost of their service, but is an EXTRA. How could we afford this? Just not possible you say, even though it is necessary. SURPRISE !!! THERE IS A NEW "CONCIERGE" SERVICE SLOWLY GROWING MOMENTUM IN OUR DAILY LIFE. IT IS CALLED: "MEDICAL CONCIERGE PRACTICE" In some circles, the word "BOUTIQUE" is used. NO •••••• boutique does not mean fancy hats, makeup, designer items! In this case, it is referring to our good, old, family doctor who just wants more money for his services because he is a "special" worker in your daily life. Here is the definition of Concierge Medicine: "A platinum practice for direct primary care. An extra fee is required for you to have personal access to your doctor." ("Gee Mom, I remember the doctor making house calls. I remember Saturday appointments. Typically, this profession made themselves available 24/7.") Now if you call your doctor's office, you get a recording, something like this: "Please listen carefully. You have reached the office of Dr. Primary. We are available from 10 am to 12 noon. We are closed from 12 noon to 2 pm for lunch. We are then available from 2 - 4:30 PM. ONLY MONDAY-FRIDAY. No weekends. Any emergencies, dial 911 or go to the emergency room! (As an aside, this might change if the doctor has a golf game one day). Exaggeration?? No, not really ! Is it a joke? If so, THE JOKE IS ON US !! QUESTION: How does a concierge, or more properly, "a fee for nothing" practice work? ANSWER: You pay an upfront fee for the ability to call your doctor when you are sick, or for a regular visit. It is usually between $1250 and $2500 per person per year. I am told there are many practices who charge up to $10,000 per person per year. If you cannot afford this, it is okay with the doctor because he can now be more selective when choosing his patients. He can choose a wealthier base and have a perfect remuneration practice. QUESTION: Sounds like bias to me! Does not sound like the Hippocratic Oath the doctor swore to. ANSWER: Sounds like it sounds. QUESTION: Is there a contract? ANSWER: Yes. Typically, you sign a contract for one year. When that year is up, you can sign the next year's contract, usually with a fee increase. Some calculate this fee by age. It has NOTHING to do with your personal Medicare and/or secondary insurance that you are still expected to keep, and YOUR INSURANCE DOES NOT USUALLY PAY THE CONCIERGE FEE. QUESTION: What do you get for this? ANSWER: Telehealth visits and office visits are usually unlimited. This is just between doctor and patient. You will get same day or next day appointments. Generally, they promise more personal service. Our patient ponders all this, and thinks, "Of course I know that the doctor has spent many years on education and invested beau coup dollars in doing so. But, Doc, you are not the only profession that people invest time and money preparing for. In the case of the legal profession, there is usually a retainer fee. The difference is that the retainer fee is used for upfront charges as the case progresses, for your benefit. In the case of medical concierge fees, it is just an additional expense to the patient." EXAMPLE OF A CASE IN POINT: Dr. Primary is charging $2200 a person and limiting his practice to 450 patients. Let's do the math: $2200 X 450 patients= $990,000 a year. YES, ALMOST A COOL MILLION DOLLARS! WITHOUT EVEN TAKING OUT HIS STETHOSCOPE ! Dr. Primary has been this couple's primary doctor for over 16 years. When requested by the doctor, they subscribed to a more expensive medical plan for the doctor to be paid more. Mr. & Mrs. Patient have now been told it was not enough for Dr. Primary. The problem with insurance is that he actually has to work to get paid. With concierge fees, he doesn't have to do anything but pocket the fancy fee. Dr. Primary even told Mr. & Mrs. Patient that, after the country club all day, his poor wife had to help him with paper work at night. Mr. & Mrs Patient received a formal letter informing them of the new practice. Two days later they called and were told that the practice was now "filled up". They were shocked! To make matters worse, other patients and doctors informed them that their doctor had been working on this sneakily for a whole year, securing and choosing his best financial patients. WHAT A SCAM!!! Mr. & Mrs. Patient found that there were still other doctors out there who make a good living and yet care about their patients without a fancy "Concierge Fee." Perhaps you would like to think of this as a tip, as you do in a restaurant? There is a New York expression, "HE THINKS WHO HE IS." IS IT ARROGANCE, CONCEIT, ENTITLEMENT ??? Take a stand. It is all up to you. You can continue being scammed by these doctors or you can: TELL IT LIKE IT IS ! IT IS AN OUTRAGE! Good Health to all! With this phenomenon, we certainly need it. Good Luck and like Mom said, "Remember" to eat your fruits and vegetables!" ![]() I was going to start with: “Imagine a large wheel with...” I thought about this sentence and said, “Why imagine? Let’s place this wheel here!” This wheel is in my home as a reference point. It enables me to initiate multiple moods while generating stories, discussions etc. After all, what is a mood? Is it a FEELING or a state of mind? The important difference between the two is that FEELINGS are brief and short-term. They will morph into a state of mind, if not put in check. Your state of mind is more durable. So, what are these short-lived feelings that control us? The six fundamental feelings in the center of the Wheel of Feeling are:
With Happy in mind, what are the 5 elements to find in men in order to make a woman happy?
So sorry guys...could not resist! But to be fair, just replace the word men with women. You will see neither sex is so different in their needs. Carol-Rose Marshall Author |
January 2024