Does this ring a bell?
We don’t do it today. Perhaps the generation of the thirties, forties, and fifties were more nostalgic. This memento was an idea that started in 1930. A Cleveland housewife and kindergarten teacher by the name of Violet Shinbach saw a department store window display that featured a bronzed pair of baby shoes. She loved this idea and felt that new mothers would want to preserve their baby’s first shoes in this way. She started a company called Bron-Shoe Co. in 1934 and it became a profitable business for her. Would you believe that 14,000,000 baby shoes were ordered? It became a keepsake or tradition over the years. The wear and tear of a child’s first year’s steps were made into an art object for eternity. The company was in existence until 2018, which is when they closed their doors. What happened? No one wanted their baby’s shoes immortalized anymore? I am one of the 14,000,000 whose baby shoes were captured and preserved, as displayed above. Thank you, Mom! Do any more of our readers have bronzed baby shoes? It’s September…School’s Starting…Let’s Learn and UpdateAs early as 1910, the hashtag symbol, #, was described as the symbol on military jackets. Hash referred to stripes. In the United States, the symbol, #, was called the pound sign when it came after a number. Pound refers to a unit of weight, i.e. lb. The number sign was prominent on typewriters to denote numbers and became standard. In the 1960s touch tone dialing came into being and the telecommunication industry adopted an “Octothorpe” symbol. The Octo portion refers to the 8 points of the symbol and was used by Bell Labs, primarily for fun - “#”. MORE MODERN TIMESTechnology developer Chris Messina tweeted one year after Twitter was launched, “How do you feel about using #(pound) for groups?” His idea was not well received… Forging ahead, he still chose the symbol as it was the easiest keyboard character to read on his Nokia phone back in 2007. His persistence credited him as the one man who brought the concept of tagging social media groups or topics with a hashtag. IMPORTANCE OF HASHTAGS IN 2023Now, hashtags are creatively used to reach target audiences and promote content. Examples are:
#Feelings #Whatnots #feelingspluswhatnots #BUYTHEFEELING by Carol-Rose Marshall, a non-fiction work sold on Amazon. #FiveStarReviews #TheFeeling “has all the elements of a compelling story that engages the reader.” #TheFeeling “will find little rest on your nightstand.” #Riveting - Read “The Feeling” Have you read, "The Feeling?” Who was Aunt CeeCee? Have you recognized any qualities in Rachel's Aunt CeeCee, that is like someone in your family? Do you think Aunt CeeCee made a difference in Rachel's life? Let me intimately introduce you to Aunt CeeCee! Aunt CeeCee was Rachel's Aunt, her Mom's sister.
Families were closer in the 70s and were more entwined in each other's lives. They spent time together without the advent of computers, cell phones, or extensive television. They actually spoke to each other. They were more important than friends. An afternoon visit might have entailed, everyone just sitting around the kitchen table, with a cup of coffee or tea, just talking, just sharing. One for all and all for one! It developed a closeness, camaraderie, and a connection to family. Everyone cared. Aunt CeeCee was ahead of her time, as she was a working mother during the years of World War II. Her husband was in the Navy, and she became the breadwinner. Because of that, she was exposed to the business world and had widespread ideas. Her niece, Rachel was not just her sister's daughter, but her daughter as well. There was no distinction. She earned the respect and trust of Rachel's confidence. She was a strong force; never left her family's side when the chips were down and could always be counted on. Best of all, she was supportive when not asked for her opinion, and when asked for her opinion, you could count on the correct answers full on. Her strength passed through Rachel's vulnerability and gave her confidence and the ability to come through adversity. Everyone needs an Aunt CeeCee and we hope you all have one. Do you?
As listed in the Oxford Dictionary, Jealousy is:
"Feeling angry or unhappy because someone you like or love is showing interest in someone else." The Editor’s Example of Jealousy: Harry and his wife Ellie attended a neighborhood party together. As the evening passed, Ellie was suddenly missing. Harry asked the host if he had seen his wife, Ellie, and the host replied, "No. Should I ask the DJ to page her?” Harry said, "No, don't bother, I will simply approach that beautiful blonde woman, with the slinky black dress who is standing near the bar and start talking to her. The host said, "How will that help you find your wife?" Harry replied, "Because as soon as I talk to another woman, she always immediately shows up!" ![]() John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, in England, was famously known as an esteemed statesman. In 1762, an amazing event took place… HE INVENTED THE SANDWICH! Here's the lowdown on this amazing feat: In his private life, John was a card shark and a compulsive gambler. During a card game involving high stakes, John did not want to leave the card table or put down his cards. It was a dilemma. He had a great hand but was famished and could not stop eyeing the Roast Beef being offered. What to do? VOILA!!!! It came to him just then. He requested a serving of roast beef and two pieces of bread. He then instructed the server to place the roast beef between the two pieces of bread all the while holding his cards. Everyone looked at him shaking their heads! Ingenious and simple...he could now hold the cards in one hand and the roast beef and bread in the other. An amazing invention! Forever and always, to be known as a SANDWICH. And yes, John Montague, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, won a lot of money with the hand that he refused to put down. Why do we love our sandwiches? Well, they fit in with our busy lifestyles and work on the go. So many diverse fillings satisfy our hunger. The best comfort food is a Grilled Cheese Sandwich. Children's all-time favorite is Peanut Butter and Jelly. The moral of the story is: If you are ever at the gaming table in Vegas, don't forget...... ORDER A SANDWICH!! "There was an unusual and sudden illness overtaking her. It was an illness that only she had been subjected to. Her mind was like a scrabble set, with dislocated letters." "Shoulders back, head high -she was on a mission! She ran down the stairs to see Michael still sleeping. SHOWTIME, she said to herself. She shook Michael in the chair. He awoke startled and disoriented. She took the phone extension and dialed the phone number of her perpetrator. A squeaky female voice answered, "Hello." Rachel quickly pressed the "speaker" button, handed the phone to Michael, and said, "It's for you." Rachel said, "It's your girlfriend! Cat got your tongue. Speak you moron!" She was a new Rachel! Michael turned white in disbelief. Carol-Rose editorial: Push has come to shove! The truth is out. Now it is in black and white and cannot be denied. How will this couple weather the storm?
THE BORSCHT BELT MUSEUM IS OPENING IN ELLENVILLE, NEW YORK ON JULY 29, 2023. ![]() THIS PHENOMENON was also known as: THE COUNTRY THE MOUNTAINS THE CATSKILLS It was a retreat to escape the summer heat for the '40s, '50s, and 60's city dwellers. IT WAS THE BORSCHT BELT... …our oasis for vacation! I remember... ...I couldn't wait to go every summer. We spent one week, 2 weeks, or sometimes a month at our glorious, welcoming hotels. The weekdays were inhabited by the moms and their children. The Dads would come up on weekends after a long week's work. There was Simon Sez, card games, mah jongg, swimming, boating, basketball, softball, and 3 delicious meals a day. My Mom never put me in the children's dining room. She said I would catch their germs (it is the "only child" that gets this luxury) I was special in the grown-up dining room. At night we went to the "Casino." It wasn't for gambling as that is what the theater was called then. We sat on folding chairs set up in rows and would go early for the best seats. We saw up-and-coming comedians like Henny Youngman and Rodney Dangerfield. We saw singers who were just starting out like Eddie Fisher and Mel Torme, and beautiful dancers. All would go on to make a name for themselves. We were their first audience in the magical Borscht Belt. We were hungry for entertainment and gave them gold stars. The young ladies of the family had opportunities to date the waiters and other staff members. They were all young men who were making money for the summer and going to college. The lifeguards were prime. So many engagements and weddings were formed here for new family life to begin. It was the stuff the movie "Dirty Dancing" was made of.
Fabulous hotels were waiting, Grossingers, The Concord, The Nevele, Kutchers, and a host of bungalow colonies if you wanted to cook yourself, called "kochelein". SO COME ONE, COME ALL.. ...VISIT THE BORSCHT BELT MUSEUM ON JULY 29, 2023. Partake in all the delicious memories with live music, comedy, and of course, some delicious borscht, knishes, and pastrami. Get a peek at how it was and explore the past of the New York Borscht Belt. See you there. Carol-Rose Author, Blogger, and Official Alumnae of The Borscht Belt HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA! July 4th, 1776, The colonies' separation from Great Britain is unanimously adopted by Congress, with the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Three of our Founding Fathers and Presidents died on July 4th. They were John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe. They made their last statement! A day for us to get that grill going, buy your hot dogs and burgers, watch our fireworks and parades, have a fun Holiday, and celebrate, The city boasting the best and largest fireworks display is New York City. Thank you to Macy's for this spectacular array and for lighting up the sky over the East River in a 2-hour spectacular. You can catch this on television. We thank you for our freedom and the great country we live in. There is no other nation in the world like THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
The older you get, the more you travel, the more you see of happenings near and far, we are grateful and appreciate: "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Honor your Country! GOD BLESS AMERICA! It is not common or usual.
It is remarkable, surprising and amazing. To be extraordinary is to be above average and exceptional. It is a great goal to have! We can be extraordinary in many ways during our lifetime. Just put on your thinking cap and see all the ways you as an individual can excel. There are many forms, all possibilities! Enjoy the Extraordinary! "You know, the feeling you get at the beach? It happens when you are standing in the sand at the ocean's shoreline. The waves come and you feel the undertow under your feet. It makes you WOBBLY and then the sand loosens under your feet, and through your toes. Although you struggle, it still pulls you DOWN. There's nothing to hold on to. You know…THE FEELING??? Could I be wrong? Your husband is CHEATING! Everything you ever worked for is in jeopardy. What were you thinking and where have you been?" Carol-Rose Editorial: A revelation! An explosive Chapter! Nothing is more sickening than this feeling. The beginning of the end. Back in Rachel's psyche, were her suspicions. Things she never really wanted to know, as she just wasn't ready emotionally or monetarily. Now, it was right in front of her face and could not be ignored. The worst was yet to come!
WHERE DID SHE COME FROM? Carol-Rose authored a 750-page autobiography for her family. It encompassed the years 1860-2021. 161 years of information for her family, chronicling the past and where they came from. It took her 4 1⁄2 years to research, collect old pictures, and recall stories about her great grandparents and grandparents, her birth, and the creation of her present family through the year 2021. It is a beautifully bound 10" X 11", exquisitely covered book, intended to be used as a Coffee Table Family "Bible" for her family. She included treasured old pictures plus photos of Europe and Israel. It was a labor of love with the intention of their family history never to be lost or forgotten. She titled the book: "EVERYTHING CHANGES, NOTHING STAYS THE SAME! The title was meant to be a lesson for the younger generation, teaching them to: Go with the flow, Open their Minds, Adapt and Grow! Look for future excerpts of this book, for more data about the history of Carol-Rose. Did you know that the word "JUNE" comes from the Goddess of Marriage......JUNO? Did you know...In ancient Egyptian times, it was believed the "venus amorous," or the Vein of Love, ran from the heart to the 4th finger of the left hand.? In modern times, it was proven that all fingers have veins. This myth persisted and it was the designated finger to wear a wedding ring. Did you know...The wedding ring, having no beginning and no end, symbolizes Eternity?! Did you know...The 3 most important words for a marriage are: PLEASE, THANKS, AND SORRY! Did you know...that the wedding was soooooo emotional, that the wedding cake was in tiers! Did you know...That our groom, Mr. Right, and our bride, Mrs. Right, coincidently had the same first name? Their mutual first name was, "Always.” (uh, oh!) Weddings range from economical elopements to "sky's the limit." There is unbelievable preparation by all of the wedding party and guests. All in the name of LOVE.
In the end, the success of marriage comes down to the three (3) C's: COMMUNICATION COMMITMENT COMPROMISE REMEMBER... HAPPY SPOUSE, HAPPY HOUSE! CONGRATULATIONS AND GOOD LUCK TO ALL OUR BRIDES AND GROOMS! Carol-Rose Marshall Author, Blogger, It was the greatest, most spectacular, most melodic.....It was, THE SHOW TO END ALL SHOWS!!!!! PHANTOM OF THE OPERA CLOSES ON BROADWAY AFTER 35 YEARS !!!! A magical show from London opened on Broadway in New York City on January 9, 1988. It would become the most successful of our time. The music was composed by an English Impresario and composer of musical theater, namely, ANDREW LLOYD WEBER, born in London, England in 1948. He became one of the most coveted and successful theater composers of our time. Some of his works included, Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat, Cinderella, Jesus Christ Superstar, Evita, Cats, and countless others. The fabulous English Soprano, Sarah Brightman would star as "Christine" in the original cast. She had an impressive range of 4 Octaves. Specifically, her solo "All I Ask of You," would have 3 million plays on Apple Music. Ms. Brightman was married to Andrew Lloyd Weber from 1984 -1990. The original Phantom was Michael Crawford, a tenor with a voice "to die for." The title song, "The Phantom of the Opera" was performed as a duet between Ms. Brightman and Mr. Crawford to never-ending applause. His rendition of "Music of the Night" won a standing ovation from the theatergoers at every performance. Combined with the talent of Andrew Lloyd Weber, they were a trio of extraordinary talent in an extraordinary theater show, and probably never duplicated. They were part of a fantastic cast, including Steve Barton who played Raoul. Over the years, so many fabulous talents continued to play these roles, to audiences all over the world. Here are some interesting facts about the show...
Carol-Rose Editorial: The Chandelier fell for the last time at The Majestic Theater on April 16, 2023, to a glittering array of an, "Invite Only" audience. The Monkey Box played for the last time, as well. It has been 35 years of beautiful, extraordinary magic, and will be hard to top. I offer a heartfelt thank you for all the fantasy and melodic genius that I was allowed to experience (I hope my readers had the opportunity too). My sincere hope is: We will be graced in the future with a revival so that future generations may enjoy this wonder of our times. "PHANTOM, PLEASE KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU! I will think of you only...... YOU WERE INORDINATELY SEXY!" Carol-Rose Marshall, Author The U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps., and U.S. Coast Guard have a tradition where active military ships recently deployed in overseas operations dock in a variety of major cities for one week. The crews enter the city and visit tourist attractions. It's the 1950's and we were World War II babies, now 17-18 years old. It was a different time and we were not worried about going into New York City, traveling on the subway, or unusual safety issues. My girlfriend, Marilyn K-P, and I were excited to go to Times Square during Fleet Week. We dressed up. Always skirts or dresses, college-size heels, lipstick, and powder, and were ready to go! ![]() The fleet was in, and there were hoards of sailors all over New York City. The first stop is Times Square. We laughed, we spoke to them, we joined them in a drink (a drink at that time was a Coca-Cola or a milkshake). We showed them the Empire State Building. We did not have cell phones and were unreachable to our parents. But no one worried as we were safe and happy. We met our friends and traded stories with sailors who lived all over the United States and the world. Everyone was respectful. It was about honoring our Fleets, welcoming them, and meeting the “all-American girls” of New York. We explained our education, our life, etc., and listened to young men, off to who-knows-where. They were appreciative and it was all about having a good day. It was fun, and informative and opened up horizons in a good clean day’s events for all of us. We moved on and although approached to write to them, we declined. It was not realistic and we were just a welcoming committee to be stored as memories. Here I am in 2023 remembering. No, I would not allow my daughter or grandchildren to do this now. It is a different world (so sad) and there are many cries of danger, not with the fleet, but in New York City. How I wish they all had known that freedom, but the city has changed. I love our American values. Please don't change them. My beloved grandson is graduating from Annapolis this weekend. We congratulate him and his beautiful young companions at Annapolis. The famed Blue Angels will fly over the Annapolis Graduation services. So exciting and spectacular! We are so proud of you all! ![]() It's graduation time, not only at Annapolis but all across the land. Congratulations to my other grandchildren who are graduating, and those who are already fulfilling a work career. We respect our constitution, our American Flag, and the young men and women who will be instrumental in developing a better world. And again, IT'S FLEET WEEK.............WELCOME !!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!Be assured, I truly believed this was just a luncheon with my children. It had been a long time since we were all together in one room. When my son and daughter-in-law, who reside in Florida, offered to host it at their country club, I was happy to come as a guest. My husband and I arrived at the Country Club, along with my youngest daughter from New York and her fiancé. My son was guiding us through the dining room. My first FEELING was one of annoyance that we had to walk so far into the dining room. (Oh well, no-one ever listens to me) There were curtains ahead of us sectioning off a room of the club, and my son kept saying that he wanted us to see the new renovations the club had made. (Oh, can’t walk so far, why do I care?) He parted the curtains and I saw a blur of people at tables in front of me. I turned to him and said, “This is a private party, let’s go.” Then I heard an exuberant crowd yelling, “SURPRISE”……HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” I thought, “OMG, THIS IS FOR ME!! OMG, I SHOULD HAVE HAD MY HAIR DONE! OMG, I would have worn something else…. And then, OMG I never had a surprise party before……. MY HEART STARTED PUMPING HARD! I am so EXCITED!!” My daughter, who resides in Florida, came rushing towards me, hugging and yelling “surprise.” My son from New York came over and exuberantly kissed me. My grandchildren flooded towards me...…. (I can’t believe it. This is thrilling…….) Then I turned to the table to my right and was totally taken aback that my childhood friends were sitting there….I hugged them and started to cry. (How did they get here?) My husband sent an uber for them. Then it hit me, my husband and I are together 24/7. How did he do this without my knowing? And my Florida son and daughter-in-law were his accomplices.” (Never thought anything would get by me, but….IT DID!) Then I turned and saw all my beautiful family and friends that filled the room. It looked like more than 40 people. STILL AMAZED, I THOUGHT, This is for me…..I can’t believe it. I am so thrilled and so grateful for all of you in my life. I GREETED EVERYONE….There was FABULOUS FUN, FABULOUS FOOD, FABULOUS PICTURES, FABULOUS CAKE, AND TABLE WTH A LARGE POSTER OF MY FIRST BOOK. WOW! EVERYONE SIGNED IT…..AND…..BEAUTIFUL GIFTS, WITH THE MOST FABULOUS HUSBAND, CHILDREN, FAMILY, AND FRIENDS ANYONE IN THIS WORLD COULD WANT.” And…..they were not through yet…..after a glorious party, an after party with barbecue
for all who could attend, at my son’s home…...This marvelous day will never end in my heart. Dear Everyone: Thank you so much….a special day, and feeling in my heart and soul. It was a remembrance that I will never forget. May you have all the love your heart can hold…. All the happiness a day can bring…. All the blessings a life can unfold. Thanks, kisses, hugs, appreciation, and joy for a Once in a Lifetime Surprise! (I have to write about this on my blog.) Carol-Rose Marshall Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Friend, Relative & Confidant Author and Blogger |
According to, the above feeling is:
Staying happy and self-satisfied allows you the toughness to combat whatever calamity you are facing. It is happiness derived from achieved objectives. A feeling of pleasure.
Rachel's husband expressed his feeling with great disgust and loathing. He never gave Rachel a moment of thought as to her feelings and needs. He shot her down and closed any thought of discussion.
"Michael answered with equal sarcasm "Sorreeeeeey, I ruined your fun.” He then made a beeline to the bedroom, and as usual, that was that.”
"Michael answered with equal sarcasm "Sorreeeeeey, I ruined your fun.” He then made a beeline to the bedroom, and as usual, that was that.”
It is a wonderful thing to have faithful old friends, those that match the devotion of this puppy. How many can say that they have a friend that they walked into kindergarten with? How many can say that the 10-year-old across the street is still on the phone with you? How many can say that the 14-year-old in high school has gone through marriages and children with you? How many can say that the friend at your important jobs is still there in retirement?
I am one of the lucky few.
These friends have gone through fire and water with you. They are like a boomerang because even if you argue, they come back. Secrets galore and what went down on Yourstreet, USA always stays on Yourstreet, USA. They have weathered childhood, teenage years, marriages, children, work environments, sad losses of parents, divorces, careers, relocation, and retirement and still hold your hand. They understood your moods happy or not, decisions bad or good, and with no judgment stayed by your side. They know you well and are your extended siblings. THEY ARE YOUR OLD FRIENDS...
Whether you like it or not, they tell you the truth, and not always what you want to hear. But, always with your best interests at heart. Like Oscar Wilde said: "A good friend will always stab you in the front."
They are to be cherished, because this brand of friendship is far and few between.
They are to be cherished, because this brand of friendship is far and few between.
They are there for lots of good times, card games, holidays without relatives, rounds of dinners, opening up new ways of life and more interests, to bring to the table. Some of them have made the grade and will graduate to the old friend category as they are steadfast and caring. And some just fade away as there wasn't much substance to begin with, just someone to pass the time with.
Cut them some slack, as they don't know your history. We start off on the surface and it could progress
stages of to safe and valuable. They have potential. It takes time to qualify, as there are friends for all your life. New friends are strangers, and need time to ferment like good wine. Give it a chance, put the time in! But, do release any toxicity.
I have been fortunate and some new friends have entered my old friend category. They were just what the doctor ordered at new times in my life.
We go by the Girl Scout Slogan, "Make new friends but keep the old. One is Silver, the other gold."
Good friendships are to be valued, old or new. Here's some advice:
Cut them some slack, as they don't know your history. We start off on the surface and it could progress
stages of to safe and valuable. They have potential. It takes time to qualify, as there are friends for all your life. New friends are strangers, and need time to ferment like good wine. Give it a chance, put the time in! But, do release any toxicity.
I have been fortunate and some new friends have entered my old friend category. They were just what the doctor ordered at new times in my life.
We go by the Girl Scout Slogan, "Make new friends but keep the old. One is Silver, the other gold."
Good friendships are to be valued, old or new. Here's some advice:
Keep the friends who are kind, affectionate, devoted, clever,
and always there.
The FEELING of NOSTALGIA is clearly a very complex emotion. It is usually triggered by memories, loneliness, or anxiety.
It is a sentimental longing and can be sad or happy. Happy pastimes give us positive feelings. Remembering sad times brings us to isolation.
Try to be nostalgic with the memories that make you warm and fuzzy. Those that are positive keep your mind and health in A-1 condition.
"We find the present tense and the past perfect!"
It is a sentimental longing and can be sad or happy. Happy pastimes give us positive feelings. Remembering sad times brings us to isolation.
Try to be nostalgic with the memories that make you warm and fuzzy. Those that are positive keep your mind and health in A-1 condition.
"We find the present tense and the past perfect!"

FACT: In 1939 this gold statue was given the name Oscar.
It is said that the name originated from 3 different celebrities. The first one being, a columnist by the name of Sidney Skolsky, who suggested it be named for the famous, Oscar Hammerstein.
Mr. Hammerstein was an esteemed American lyricist, who wrote the words to the music of at least 45 famous shows and movies. This list includes Show Boat, Oklahoma, The King and I, and Sound of Music.
The next suggestion came from the Academy Librarian, Margaret Herrick, who insisted that the statue looked like her Uncle Oscar.
And, not to be outdone, the famous movie actress, Bette Davis said that Oscar’s derriere reminded her of her then-husband, Harmon OSCAR Nelson.
Because of these insistent analogies, the award forever and always was known as:
It is said that the name originated from 3 different celebrities. The first one being, a columnist by the name of Sidney Skolsky, who suggested it be named for the famous, Oscar Hammerstein.
Mr. Hammerstein was an esteemed American lyricist, who wrote the words to the music of at least 45 famous shows and movies. This list includes Show Boat, Oklahoma, The King and I, and Sound of Music.
The next suggestion came from the Academy Librarian, Margaret Herrick, who insisted that the statue looked like her Uncle Oscar.
And, not to be outdone, the famous movie actress, Bette Davis said that Oscar’s derriere reminded her of her then-husband, Harmon OSCAR Nelson.
Because of these insistent analogies, the award forever and always was known as:
- The Actress with the most Oscars goes to Katherine Hepburn (6)
- The Actor with the most Oscars goes to Daniel Day-Lewis (3)
- The Movie with the most Oscars goes to “Titanic.”(11)
- The Comedian who hosted the most “Oscar” awards, goes to Bob Hope (19)
- The shortest Oscar thank you speech, by Patti Duke was a simple, “Thank You.”
- The longest Oscar thank you speech in l941, by Greer Garson, was 4 minutes long.
It was an era of elegance, unprecedented beauty, abundance of talent, and a dedication by the actors to their craft of unsurpassed excellence and perfection.
There were HAPPY and JOYFUL musicals with dancers and singers; costumes that made you wish you could wear them too. We were mesmerized by the dancing of Fred Astaire. His rendition in the movie Top Hat (as above) would stand alone in the memories of moviegoers. Can’t forget Gene Kelly for Singing in the Rain; Judy Garland, Anne Miller, and Esther Williams. We always remember the beauty of Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly, the rogue handsome face of Clark Gable, and so very many more.
When you went to the movies, you were truly entertained!
Lacking was a sense of respect. The “CAST” of this profession became complacent, greedy, and full of themselves. They forgot that the overall purpose of their JOB WAS ENTERTAINMENT.
To name a few incidents, this phenomenon started years ago and became worse with every passing year. There was a path of destruction in progress. There are too many issues to cite in this article but to name a few:
In 1973, Marlon Brando won the Oscar for best actor. In his infinite wisdom, or shall I say absurdity, he refused the award. Further, he did not attend but sent in his place, Sacheen Littlefeather, an Apache Indian, to make a statement as to how American Indians were treated.
We are not disputing this, but saying, this had NOTHING to do with NOTHING, NAMELY THE AWARDS.
In 1974, the actor David Niven was on stage, and without warning, a male STREAKER APPEARED and ran across the stage, butt-naked at a steady speed. Being the professional Mr. Niven is, he watched, smiled, and then said:
There were HAPPY and JOYFUL musicals with dancers and singers; costumes that made you wish you could wear them too. We were mesmerized by the dancing of Fred Astaire. His rendition in the movie Top Hat (as above) would stand alone in the memories of moviegoers. Can’t forget Gene Kelly for Singing in the Rain; Judy Garland, Anne Miller, and Esther Williams. We always remember the beauty of Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly, the rogue handsome face of Clark Gable, and so very many more.
When you went to the movies, you were truly entertained!
Lacking was a sense of respect. The “CAST” of this profession became complacent, greedy, and full of themselves. They forgot that the overall purpose of their JOB WAS ENTERTAINMENT.
To name a few incidents, this phenomenon started years ago and became worse with every passing year. There was a path of destruction in progress. There are too many issues to cite in this article but to name a few:
In 1973, Marlon Brando won the Oscar for best actor. In his infinite wisdom, or shall I say absurdity, he refused the award. Further, he did not attend but sent in his place, Sacheen Littlefeather, an Apache Indian, to make a statement as to how American Indians were treated.
We are not disputing this, but saying, this had NOTHING to do with NOTHING, NAMELY THE AWARDS.
In 1974, the actor David Niven was on stage, and without warning, a male STREAKER APPEARED and ran across the stage, butt-naked at a steady speed. Being the professional Mr. Niven is, he watched, smiled, and then said:
Isn’t it fascinating to think that the only laugh that man will get in his lifetime, is by stripping off his clothes and showing his shortcomings?
We remember Clark Gable’s famous line in “Gone With The Wind…...”Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” It seems appropriate.
Now, the 2023 televised Oscar show has the lowest audience ever. Actually, just over 16 million, when its best years were over 30 Million. Somewhere, someplace, along the way, it became a sounding board for entertainers to complain about politics, religion, congress, presidents, their wages, their clothes, their Aunt Mabel, their whatever. It was done cruelly to a totally captive audience dressed up in finery and a group of viewers at home. They totally forgot about entertainment. We responded by not watching anymore.
Last but not least is the nail in the coffin. In 2022, there were 20 million viewers. Obviously, 4 million were lost in one year because of "The Slap Heard Around the World." Will Smith got up and full-face SLAPPED the Master of Ceremonies, Chris Rock. Did he have a reason? Who cares! This man was out of line, rude, UNCARING, DISRESPECTFUL, YOU NAME IT! Incredibly, he was allowed to sit down and also receive the best actor award. The audience applauded him. It was all a joke, man!
As a side note, just saying, everyone watches the Couture on these shows. Currently, we are shown gowns with only a little feather covering the top of women’s breasts, g-string underwear, and sheer material covering this scanties. I’ll say no more…...your choice!
I hope you are happy, Hollywood. You outdid yourself.

I received an unexpected email this week. It was a sonogram of a baby
clearly dated, "5th month/20 weeks."
A thrilling picture that was clear as day, with a baby sucking it's thumb and it's right leg stretching.
And, IT'S A GIRL !!
I received an unexpected email this week. It was a sonogram of a baby
clearly dated, "5th month/20 weeks."
A thrilling picture that was clear as day, with a baby sucking it's thumb and it's right leg stretching.
And, IT'S A GIRL !!

Further along at 30 weeks, I was sent an awe inspiring, updated 3-D sonogram of the same baby's progress. You can see her face. She has clearly developed into a beautiful child with discernible features. Is this
not amazing? 10 more weeks to go !
Back in the day of my pregnancies, it was all a mystery until the moment of
My mom instructed, "Only buy yellow, green, and white for your layette.
We'll fill in when the baby is born."
I remember the moment of my First-born's birth and hearing,
"IT'S A BOY !!!"
After 9 months I finally knew the gender. "BUY BLUE," I cried to my Mother!
It's a wonderful world we live in.
Things you can only appreciate NOW...
Simply because you didn't have it THEN !!!!
not amazing? 10 more weeks to go !
Back in the day of my pregnancies, it was all a mystery until the moment of
My mom instructed, "Only buy yellow, green, and white for your layette.
We'll fill in when the baby is born."
I remember the moment of my First-born's birth and hearing,
"IT'S A BOY !!!"
After 9 months I finally knew the gender. "BUY BLUE," I cried to my Mother!
It's a wonderful world we live in.
Things you can only appreciate NOW...
Simply because you didn't have it THEN !!!!
"BUT, I WON !!!! "
Book Chapter
Famous Quote
The Feeling
January 2024
December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022