Dear Chatterbox: I have read your book, "The Feeling." Your heroine, Rachel, spent many unhappy years, and stayed in place. Why in the world didn't she leave? Why didn't she throw her husband out? Just curious Dear Just Curious:
Remember Elvis singing, “CAUGHT IN A TRAP................... CAN'T GET OUT........" The book is a lesson for all women. Make sure you can support yourself. Nev er know what life throws at you. It was the 1970s when women did not work.....No job, no money, no way of supporting 4 children through college and maintaining a home. Rachel sacrificed herself so that her children would grow up and be properly educated. Her girls, as well as boys, would always have a career to fall back on and nurture with independence. It was a typical 70's environment. But to her credit, despite all odds, she eventually executed a successful career. She excelled as a Mother, Daughter, and eventually a new wife. It took more time than in today's world, but she got there. Read see how this story unfolded! Carol-Rose Your Favorite Chatter Box
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